9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Interim Dean Roger Bonnecaze
Diana Marculescu, Founding Director, iMAGiNE
Overview of consortium and research focus
Highlight faculty: Cloud, Edge, Apps
Annual Timeline
Support Levels
10:05 AM – 10:20 AM
Cloud Overview
Lizy John, Faculty Lead
The Cloud thrust focuses on architecting, designing, and evaluating circuits and systems to support intelligence on the cloud. Our goal is to boost and sustain the capabilities of the systems that have enabled this current momentum in intelligence on the cloud, and continue to meet the demands of the cloud workloads. Of interest are high performance big data analytics to ML-assisted cloud resource scheduling, and ML-assisted EDA to efficient domain-specific architectures.
10:20 AM – 10:35 AM
Edge Overview
Radu Marculescu, Faculty Lead
The Edge thrust focuses on EdgeAI, a new paradigm meant to help achieving the large-scale deployment of AI/ML techniques on edge devices targeting Internet of things (IoT) applications. To this end, the research in this thrust aims at developing new learning models, algorithms, and prototypes that address important challenges of edge computing such as hardware- and energy-constrained IoT devices, distributed training and inference across multiple IoT devices, data security and privacy.
10:35 AM – 10:50 AM
Applications Overview
Christine Julien, Faculty Lead
The Applications thrust focuses on applications and the software that is necessary to support them, with a particular emphasis on applications that directly support humans and the spaces they occupy. These applications will intelligently and cooperatively leverage the innovations in the cloud and edge thrust, as we consider multiple parallel applications that may conflict, compete, or cooperate to use resources to achieve human-centered goals.
10:50 AM – 11:00 AM
10 Minute Break
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Faculty Research Roundtable
12:00 PM – 12:10 PM
Closing Remarks
Diana Marculescu / Founding Director, Imagine
12:10 PM – 12:40 PM
Networking Lunch w/ Students
12:40 PM – 2:30 PM
Side Bar Discussions w/ Speakers
2:30 PM
Consortium Concludes